Data exchange and collaboration are key factors for ensuring the exploitation of INTERPRTER project results.

Under the coordination of ATOS and CIRCE, a Description of project Data Collaboration Architecture and Common Information Model has been produced (deliverable D6.1). It describes the data spaces made available to enable the data collaboration between DSO/TSO, existing data platforms owned by INTERPRETER partners and data provided by grid sensors or other measurements sources. Consequently, developed data spaces allow the integration of heterogenous data sources using a Common Information Model (CIM) that will ensure replicability and future exploitation of INTERPRETER solutions.

The first step, the development of INTEPRETER CIM was performed using a public and common approach and align it with the requirements resulting from WP2, to ensure a coherent gathering, storage, and readiness of the information required to properly address the Smart Grid challenges covered by the project. The second step was performed by integrating also relevant inputs from CIM’s developed by external parties – mainly represented by past and current running EU projects – using a collaboration approach.

Both steps have led to the integration of additional capabilities for INTERPRETER collaboration architecture and the evolution of FUSE platform into the INTERPRETER platform that uses a hybrid approach (common/specific) to cover all data requirements of the software modules that integrate the INTERPRETER solution.

Consequently, INTERPRETER CIM is fully capable to manage the required semantic interoperability that enables the connection for collaboration between the internal data models (INTERPRETER platform), external data providers and data requirements of each INTERPRETER application.


Finally, the CIM integrated in the collaboration architecture empowers the development of the adaptors required for data sources.

The full deliverable is publicly available on the Results page (Result #6).