INTERPRETER partners CIRCE and R&D NESTER organised two webinars on the future of grid planning and management and the need for flexibility at system and local levels to increase efficiency in power systems.

These webinars have been presented on the 6th and 10th November 2020 in partnership with CoordiNet, FlexPlan, ATTEST and INTERRFACE projects and broadcasted by ISGAN.

To answer the energy trilemma the European power system is facing, European H2020 energy projects seek solutions to increase flexibility.

To learn more on the flexibility solutions provided by EU RD&I projects, you can (re)watch the webinars here:

ISGAN webinar #24:

ISGAN webinar #25:





CoordiNet implements large-scale TSO-DSO-Consumer demonstrations of innovative network services through demand response, storage and small-scale distributed generation.

This project aims to:

  • Demonstrate the activation and provision of services through a TSO-DSO coordination
  • Define and test standard products that provide services to the network operators
  • Develop a TSO-DSO-consumer collaboration platform in demonstration areas to pave the way for the interoperable development of a pan-European market
CoordiNet platform concept
  • CoordiNet networking solutions will allow DSO, TSO and Consumers to better interact and define standards for more flexible demand response.

Learn more : Coordinet

FlexPlan project aims at establishing a new grid planning methodology considering the opportunity to introduce new storage and flexibility resources in electricity transmission and distribution grids as an alternative to building new grid elements.

Three achievements are targeted:

  1. The creation of a new tool for optimizing grid planning, considering the placement of flexibility elements located both in transmission and distribution networks as an alternative to traditional grid planning (e.g., storage, electric vehicles, demand response)
  2. A new methodology to analyse six regional grid planning scenarios at 2030-2040-2050. A pan-European scenario will deliver border conditions to initialize in a coherent way the 6 regional cases.
  3. Regulatory guidelines for an optimized planning methodology for the future usage of TSOs and DSOs, indications on the potential role of flexibility and storage as a support of grid planning, and guidelines for opportune regulation.
FlexPlan new planning tool

The main source for the scenarios considered in FlexPlan project is the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2020, developed by ENTSO-E, which describes possible trends up to 2050.

  • The grid planning methodology developed by FlexPlan will include more flexibility thanks to new storage and resources in electricity transmission and distribution grids.

Learn more : FlexPlan



INTERPRETER is developing a platform, aiming to provide a modular grid management solution that provides data services based on an integrated grid modelling tool.

The overall solution and each of its modules will be developed, tested and validated in close collaboration with 2 DSOs and partners from 6 different EU countries, providing a set of representative use cases, thus ensuring the replicability and uptake of INTERPRETER solution across Europe.

It will be offered to grid operators through an open-source software platform.

INTERPRETER platform architecture
  • The modular grid management platform will provide a flexible solution that can be adapted to all energy systems, improving grid management and planning.




INTERRFACE project aims to design a Common Architecture that will connect actors and markets in a transparent, non-discriminatory manner.

It will develop an open architecture for sharing data among all participants in the electricity system value chain (customers, grids, market), from local, regional to EU level. It will enable TSOs, DSOs and customers to coordinate their efforts to maximise the potential of distributed energy resources (DERs), demand aggregators and grid assets, so as to procure energy services in a cost-efficient way and create consumer benefits.

INTERRFACE Interoperable pan-European Grid Services Architecture (IEGSA)
  • The increased sharing of data permitted by the Architecture will support better communication between all participants in the electricity system at different levels for more flexible and cost-efficient energy services.

Learn more : Interrface

The overarching objective of the ATTEST project is to develop and operationalize a modular open source toolbox comprising a suite of innovative tools to support TSOs / DSOs operating, maintaining and planning the energy systems of 2030 and beyond in an optimized and coordinated manner.

The tools will be organized in 3 modules inside the toolbox: planning, asset management and operation.

The ICT platform and a selection of tools from the open source toolbox will be validated in the single demonstrator of the project in Croatia, which includes 3 different zones of the electrical system of Croatia:

  • Zagreb demo (focusing on demand response and flexibility from buildings)
  • Koprivnica demo (focusing on network operation and flexibility from DSO assets)
  • Northwestern Croatia demo (focusing on network planning /expansion)
  • This platform will support better coordination between TSO and DSO for more flexible operation, maintaining and planning of Croatian energy systems.

Learn more : Attest